ABCDUNE is an online glossary automatically generated from LaTeX files used in design reports and other DUNE documents.
See it on GitHub
Missing term?
If you have a GitHub account, open an issue "Add a term" here.
If you do not, write us an email with subject "ABCDUNE new", copy-paste the fields below, to be completed:
The term to add to glossary, fully spelled out (e.g.: `Anode Plane Assembly`):
Official abbreviation, if any (eg: `APA`):
Suggested LaTeX identifier (short, single word, lower case, eg `apa`):
Description (text or if you know the DUNE LaTeX Glossary system you may provide a full glossary.tex entry):
Any additional information about your term (context of use, link, reference, etc):
Correction to a term?
If you have a GitHub account, open an issue "Correct a term" here.
If you do not, write us an email with subject "ABCDUNE corr", copy-paste the fields below, to be completed:
Paste the term and its description (in HTML or preferably LaTeX):
Give a clear and concise explanation of what is inaccurate in the term's entry:
Suggest a correction (in LaTeX, if possible):
Add any other context, links or references about the correction here: